Most of my consultations are done by analyzing the horse’s current diet and lifestyle. What does the current lifestyle look like? How demanding is their athletic performance? What balance and source of proteins, fats and fibers are they getting right now? Do they get much grazing time, and if so, what regional grasses do they get?
Then I take into account any future goals the pair has. Does the owner want to increase work load? Start competing higher levels? Has the horse been struggling with metabolic issues lately and the goal is to get them balanced and happy again? Has the horse had too much hot energy and become high strung and challenging to be around?
My philosophy is to look at the Whole Horse and dissect the data and science to come up with a plan that helps horses and humans thrive.
4744 Arbor Hill Rd
Canton GA 3O115
Additional Pickup Location
115 Old Cedar Ln
Milton GA 3OOO4
Additional Pickup Location
4364 Mangum Mill Rd
Gainesville GA 3O5O7